

2017 | Cineplay
Director: Akshay Dinesh Vaishnav
Cast: Mrinmayee Godbole | Darshan Jariwala | Joy Sengupta
Imdb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt7146484
Publicity Design: Seek Red


In a caste-ridden Indian Society, Nath and Seva have always fought against casteism. Although Nath is supportive of Jyothi’s decision to marry Arun, a Dalit, her mother is rather skeptical. She gets married in spite of all odds anyway. It’s only a matter of time, the family discovers certain things about Arun which leaves them deeply disturbed, leaving Jyothi to bear the brunt. They undergo a radical change when they question their beliefs on the idea of casteism and Nath’s idealism.

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